Pakistan Army soldiers on Sunday 'effectively' responded to Indian fire across the Line of Control (LoC) after the latter resorted to unprovoked shelling. According to a tweet by the DG ISPR, unprovoked Indian firing on Pakistani checkposts at the Rakhchikri, Rawalakot sectors injured two Pakistani soldiers."Indian Army’s unprovoked firing in Rakhchikri, Rawalakot Sector along LOC. Mortor rounds fired on Pakistani Post. Indian fire effectively responded. During exchange of fire two officers of Pakistan Army got injured," he tweeted.Tensions have been on the rise between India and Pakistan after the two nuclear-armed states almost went to war after the Pulwama attack. India scrapped Article 370 that recognised the special status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan responded sharply to the move, downgrading diplomatic ties with India and suspending trade with New Delhi. 

from The News International - Pakistan