Photo: FileFederal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid made an important prediction about former president Asif Zardari's money laundering case, on Saturday.“Zardari’s case will be resolved through plea bargain by March,” the minister predicted. Rashid also shed light on Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa’s extension.“The decision of army chief’s extension will be made within six weeks,” Rashid said.“General Bajwa has been given an extension of three years,” he said.The minister also noted that the incumbent government has got a total of three years left as well.“General Bajwa is standing alongside the government and Imran Khan,” he said.He also criticized Shehbaz Sharif for accompanying his brother and former prime minister Nawaz in London.“Shehbaz Sharif is enjoying vacations while it is Nawaz who is actually sick,” he said.
from The News International - Pakistan